ENAT Keywords

All the pages of the ENAT website are tagged with one or more of the ENAT Keywords


ENAT Library Items

  • European Standardisation of Accessible Tourism Services

    A slide presentation with the main results of a Study on EU accessible tourism standards, by Ivor Ambrose, Pilar Soret and Carolina Vicens given at the Fundación ONCE International Congress on Tourism for All, Valladolid, Spain, 26 November 2010.

Project Items

  • EUROCITIES: Barrier-Free City for All

    The European network of cities, EUROCITIES, has established a Working Group on Barrier-Free Cities for All. The Group is chaired by Ms. Barbara Berninger, City of Berlin.

  • MIT! - Make It Accessible

    Make it accessible! A project to promote barrier-free travelling for senior citizens and people with handicaps through innovative marketing strategies based on awareness of specific requirements, needs and active interest in social inclusion.

  • Puedo Viajar (I Can Travel), Jaén, Spain

    We are working in a national project (“Puedo Viajar”) funded by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Plan Avanza 2009), which aims to provide information and several services on Accessible Tourism through the internet.

  • North Karelia University of Applied Sciences: Accessible Tourism Project

    The objective of the project is to develop nature tourism services for a wider scale of customers. Another aim is to support organisations providing nature tourism services in their development of accessible environments and services. In addition, an objective is to launch strategic and persistent development for evaluating, instructing, and classifying accessible nature tourism.

News Items

  • VisitEngland Launches New Online "Access Statement" Tool for Tourism Businesses

    VisitEngland, the national tourist board of England, has launched a new online tool aimed to help businesses cater better for visitors with access needs. VisitEngland requires any business that is part of the quality assessment schemes for accommodation and attractions to have an Access Statement.

  • 140 Tourism Businesses in the Basque Country now have the Accessibility Seal

    The Vice Minister for Trade and Tourism, Pilar Zorrilla, presided over the first seal award event, held in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The Accessible Seal is the result of the Accessibility Programme developed by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Trade and Tourism of the Basque Government which prepares businesses to orient their services to all visitors.

  • Good Accessibility Gives Points in Danish Hotels Classification Scheme

    HORESTA, the Danish trade organisation for hotel, restaurant and tourist businesses which awards stars to the Danish Hotels, has published its new criteria and points system for 2010 onwards. One of the new elements that gives points for a hotel or conference centre, is whether the venue is a member of an accessibility labelling scheme.

  • New European Award for Accessible Cities

    A new European Award for Accessible Cities has been launched by the European Commission, aiming to promote accessibility for people with disabilities in four areas: the built environment and public spaces, transport and related infrastructures, information and communication, including Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and public facilities and services.

  • 35 Vodaphone Stores Receive the AENOR Accessibility Certificate

    Vodafone España has been awarded the Universal Accessibility Management System Certificate for 35 of its stores. The certificate has been granted against Standard UNE 170001-2:2007 by the Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR).

  • South East England Aims To Be UK's Most Accessible Region

    In keeping with the South East of England's unique heritage as the birthplace of disability sport, which began some 60 years ago at Stoke Mandeville in Buckinghamshire, Tourism South East is leading on several ground breaking projects and aiming to be the UK’s most accessible region.

Results 145 to 156 out of 207.