Together for EU Tourism - Stakeholders' Meeting

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Brussels, 13.September 2022. Tourism stakeholders have made pledges to support the EU Tourism Transition Pathway. This event will show good examples and encourage more stakeholders to get engaged.

Time: 09.00 to 13.00 on Tuesday 13 September 2022.

Objectives of the meeting

  • To share information of the published pledges and commitments to support Transition Pathway for Tourism co-implementation
  • To update stakeholders on the key developments regarding Transition pathway actions, and introduce the follow-up mechanism through green, digital and resilience lenses
  • To encourage and advise stakeholders on developing their pledges and join the Together for EU Tourism community

Download the Agenda from the download section.

Presentations (links to European Commission webpage)

Further information

EU Commission logoRead about the EU Tourism Transition Pathway and the Co-creation process.