Access Israel's Accessibility Information Folder Published

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Access Israel announces its "Access Israel Folder", said to be the first of its kind and size in the world and including a collection of over 160 sketches, illustrations and architectural items from the different fields of accessibility. The folder's purpose is to help every architect, designer and accessibility specialist in the planning and consulting work.

Access_Israel_Information_FolderAccess Israel has just begun to distribute the "Access Israel Folder", which is the first of its kind and size in the world and includes a collection of over 160 sketches, illustrations and architectural items from the different fields of accessibility.

The folder's purpose is to help every architect, designer and accessibility specialist in planning and consulting work.

The folder covers most of the accessibility fields, including human engineering, disabled toilets, the public sphere and street furniture.

The collection is a result of intense collecting work from places in Israel and other parts of the world. Studying and illustrating the folder lasted over a year.

The folder was planned and printed as a dynamic and updateable collection, that can have additions, notes, innovations and recommendations that will be introduced later on.

Access Israel writes, "We are currently working on upgrading the Access Israel website, and this folder and updates will be part of the technical-professional library in the Access Israel professional site".

Visit the Access Israel Website