Accessible Tourism In Natural And Rural Areas. Take Part In The ACCESS-IT Surveys for Visitors, Businesses and Public Officials

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The partners of the ACCESS-IT project invite you to answer a survey on tourism in rural and natural areas, including the countryside, seaside, lakes, mountains, rivers, forests, etc. We would like to know your views and experiences, especially regarding accessibility for people with disabilities and/or other access requirements.

logo of the ACCESS-IT projectThe partners of the ACCESS-IT project invite you to answer a survey on tourism in rural and natural areas, including the countryside, seaside, lakes, mountains, rivers, forests, etc.

We would like to know your views and experiences, especially regarding accessibility for people with disabilities and/or other access requirements.

Who can answer the survey?

Image of a red pencilThere are three surveys to choose from: 

  • Survey for visitors
  • Survey for tourism business owners/managers/employees
  • Survey for policy-makers or public sector officials connected with the tourism sector.

We will use your insights to make a training programme for professionals and trainees in the tourism sector, helping them to become better at serving tourists who need accessible services, and so, improving their business.

  • Your answers will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to any third party.
  • No individuals will be identifiable in the results.
  • You may leave your email address at the end of the survey if you wish to stay in touch with the ACCESS-IT project or take part in a follow-up interview or group interview.

The Visitor Survey will take most people less than 10 minutes to complete. 

The Business and Public Sector surveys may take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. 

Choose your survey

Please choose one of the surveys below, according to your background - Visitor, Business owner/employee or Public Official).

Click on your preferred language to start open the survey form.

Visitor surveys:

Tourism business owners and employees:

Public sector officials:

Thank you for your collaboration. Your participation is really appreciated!

Further information

ACCESS-IT. Innovation for Accessible Tourism in Natural and Rural Areas.
The Access-IT project seeks to address the competence gap on accessible tourism amomg SMEs in the toursm sector by offering a comprehensive training in the fields of accessible tourism, innovation and sustainable development of Natural and Rural Areas.

Funded by the EU ERASMUSplus Programme, Key Action 2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training.
Start: December 2019
Finish: November 2021

Read about the ACCESS-IT project on the ENAT Project Page

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