Bicycles for users with disabilities in Spanish Greenways

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Sanitas, a Spanish private health insurance company has established an agreement with “Foundation También” to promote the integration of people with disabilities through adapted sports.

Handbikers on Greenway Handbikers on Spanish Greenway.

In Spain, the company Sanitas, a private health insurance company through an agreement with “Foundation También” - an organization that promotes the integration of people with disabilities through adapted sports- and in collaboration with the Greenways department of the Spanish Railways Foundation, has provided 30 adapted bicycles to 10 Spanish greenways. Their use is free for users with disabilities.

The handbikes were purchased through donations from 10,000 Sanitas customers. The donors' names are recorded on plaques at the sites of the 10 Greenways where the adapted bikes are located.

Information about the 10 Greenways where these bikes are available can be found at the Greenways website

Vías Verdes (literally, "green-ways") are old disused railway lines that have been recovered and reconditioned for use by walkers and cyclists. Exploring them is a different, enjoyable and environmentally friendly way of getting to know Spain, its culture and its landscapes. This is an alternative ideal for all ages, that respects the environment and brings together sport and the great outdoors.

Download the ViasVerdes adapted bicycles presentation in Spanish (PDF format) from the right-hand panel.