EASPD Conference: Investing in Social Services, Investing in People

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Bucharest, Romania, 16 to 17 May 2019. ENAT partner, EASPD - the European Association of Service Providers for people with Disabilties - together with the Dizabnet Federation, FONSS and FDSC, is hosting this European Conference, entitled “Investing in Social Services, Investing in People”.

EASPD Conference banner 2019Bucharest, Romania, 16 to 17 May 2019.

ENAT partner, EASPD - the European Association of Service Providers for people with Disabilties - together with the Dizabnet Federation, FONSS and FDSC, is hosting this European Conference, entitled “Investing in Social Services, Investing in People”.

The event will welcome over 250 experts from across Romania and Europe, including actors from diverse fields: service providers, public authorities, disabled persons’ organizations, and investors.

Rationale & Objectives of the Conference

On a day to day basis, quality social services provide the care and support which enables millions of people in Europe to be socially and economically active: the persons with support need themselves, their families and close network, as well as the millions of dedicated professionals and volunteers who provide the services. This has a knock-on effect for Europe as a whole; allowing all people to participate, our communities to strengthen and our economies to develop. In short, investing in social services is about investing in people!

Guaranteeing the continuity and development of person-centered social services is a necessity for Europe: legally, politically, economically, socially and especially in terms of access to human rights. Adequately funding quality social services should thus be a priority for us. This can only be achieved if Public Authorities assume their role in developing and guaranteeing sustainable funding frameworks to support the development of quality person-centered social services.

The Conference will be the opportunity for participants to gain practical and theoretical knowledge about the variety of effective funding models across Europe and exchange views on their suitability for the development of quality support services, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Further details and Registration

Please visit the Conference website at http://www.easpdro2019.eu/