Accessibility and Tourism Seminar with Simon Darcy (New)

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9 July 2012, Milan, Italy. Simon Darcy, Associate Professor in Events, Sport and Tourism and Director Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney speaks at Facoltà di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Image of girl in wheelchair on beach 9 July 2012, Milan, Italy. 10.30 - 13.00 hours.

Keynote Speaker, Simon Darcy, Associate Professor in Events, Sport and Tourism and Director Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney will give a lecture on the theme of "Accessibility and Tourism" at Facoltà di Sociologia, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.


Via Bicocca degli Arciboldi, 8 - 20126 Milano Building U7- III floor.

Aula Pagani, 3° piano, Ed. U7 - Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca


  • Welcome: Carla Facchini - Academic Dean, Faculty of Sociology - Università di Milano-Bicocca
  • Chair person: Ezio Marra, Coordinator of the Degree course in STCL –Milano-Bicocca
  • Introduction: Isabella Steffan, Arch- Eur/Erg, Workshop “Social tourism for Disabled People”, STCL -Milano-Bicocca

Simon Darcy is an interdisciplinary researcher with expertise in developing inclusive organisational approaches to diversity groups. Prof. Darcy has held grants with the Australian Research Council, Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre, and the United Nations, He was recently appointed to the Disability Council of NSW, which is the ministerial advisory to the New South Wales Government's Department of Family and Community Services. He was the recipient of the 2010 World Leisure International Innovation Prize. Since incurring a spinal injury in 1983 Simon is a power wheelchair user and passionately believes in the rights of all people to fully participate in all aspects of community life.

This Seminar replaces the Milan training course on 9 - 10 July, announced earlier - which had to be cancelled.