Across the Lombards' Lands (Project A.L.L.)

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The project is about creating and promoting a transnational accessible tourist product based on a common European heritage represented by the Lombards (or Longobards) who, in their migration from northern to southern Europe, played a major role in the spiritual and cultural development of Europe.

Project duration and start date: 18 months starting from 01/07/2016

Short description of project

The project is about creating and promoting a transnational accessible tourist product based on a common European heritage represented by the Lombards (or Longobards) who, in their migration from northern to southern Europe, played a major role in the spiritual and cultural development of Europe in its transition between Classicism and the Middle Ages.

Therefore, the project aims at developing, in selected sample destinations of Italy and Slovenia (where the Lombards left more evidences of their culture) and with the involvement of local public authorities and SMEs, tourism offers in which accessibility is mainstreamed in all segments of the tourism supply chain.

The following main activities will be developed during the project:

  • analysis of the tourism demand for profiling the current / potential users of the “Lombard” tourism product;
  • mapping and analysis of the cultural heritage assets related with Lombard heritage in the selected EU sites and mapping of the tourism-related services;
  • organization of meetings with local stakeholders aimed at raising awareness on the value of the Lombard heritage and on the “tourism for all” issues;
  • implementation of training activities aimed at improving the skills of the staff employed by local tourism operators with relation to accessibility in the tourism supply chain;
  • development of “Lombard itineraries and tour packages for all” in collaboration with public authorities in charge of tourism issues and with the involvement and strict collaboration of local SMEs;
  • creation of an information and interpretation system of the Lombard heritage along the itineraries through the use of the new integrated digital technologies;
  • design of a dissemination and communication strategy to market the developed transnational tourism products.

The developed itineraries/packages will contribute to the enhancement of tourism quality, sustainability and accessibility and to the increase of SMEs' business opportunities by expanding their services to a large and growing market of potential customers, with positive economic and social impacts. They will represent prototypes / good practices to be reproduced in the future development of other of thematic tourism offers.

Main objectives:

  • To raise awareness among public and private tourism operators about the big economic potential of accessible tourism
  • To enhance and valorize Lombard cultural heritage by making it more attractive and accessible to all
  • To improve the skills of the staff employed by the tourism operators with relation to accessibility in the tourism supply chain
  • To support tourism SMEs to integrate or adapt their services to the requirements of tourists with different access needs
  • To strengthen cooperation and partnerships among public and private stakeholders
  • To expand business and revenues opportunities of tourism businesses
  • To foster tourism fruition and enjoyment of people with specific access needs.

Lead partner/coordinator:

Incipit Consulting Società Cooperativa (Italy)


Comune di Spoleto (Italy)
Tandem Società Cooperativa Sociale Intergrata (Italy)
Premiki zavod za svetovanje, promocijo in razvoj dostopnega turizma (Slovenia)
Narodni Muzej Slovenije (Slovenia)
BSC, Poslovno Podporni Center, DOO (Slovenia)
ENAT, European Network for Accessible Tourism (Belgium)



European Commission Budget Line

Call identifier: COS-TOUR-2015-3-04-1

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