Research for the improvement of knowledge in accessible social tourism for all in Spain

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Polibienestar has created the platform SOCIALTOURISM, the first model of tourist universal accessibility, which allows to companies and Administrations a self-assessment online of its facilities and services on the basis of universal design criteria.

Social Tourism Polibienestar logoPolibienestar has created the platform SOCIALTOURISM, the first model of tourist universal accessibility, which allows to companies and Administrations a self-assessment online of its facilities and services on the basis of universal design criteria.

This platform has been developed in the framework of the project for ‘“Research for the improvement of knowledge in accessible social tourism for all in Spain (SOCIALTOURISM)".

The project has been financed with funds from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the basic non-oriented research projects line.

The research project and the platform have as an objective to increase sustainability and competitiveness in Spanish tourist industry by improving the knowledge of social tourism available for all.

The platform is available at: for the free use for all companies and administrations of the tourism sector that want to know its status of accessibility, and if is necessary, improved it on basis of universal design criteria.

Polibienestar Research Institute – University of Valencia