ENAT Keywords

All the pages of the ENAT website are tagged with one or more of the ENAT Keywords


News Items

Project Items

  • Tourism for All, Germany

    The project "Development and marketing of accessible facilities and services within the meaning of Tourism for All in Germany" is a collaborative project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economy and Technology of the German Department of Tourism (DSFT) Berlin eV and the National Coordination Office for Tourism for All Association (NatKo).

  • Accessibility Guide and Mobile App by Jaccede, France

    Since its launch in 2006, Jaccede non-profit association has spear-headed an online, collaborative guide of accessible places which any Internet user anywhere in the world can consult and contribute to with the aim of providing essential information about the accessibility of public places.

  • Greenways4tour Project

    The project fits in with the call to “promote transnational thematic tourism” products in the European Union to develop sustainable tourism. For the first time, greenways have been included in the grant programme of the European Commission’s General Directorate of Tourism (2011), indicating that they are an area regarded to have great potential and value for the development of sustainable tourism within Europe.

Results 217 to 228 out of 439.