ENAT Keywords

All the pages of the ENAT website are tagged with one or more of the ENAT Keywords


Project Items

  • Tiresias Accessible Tourism Guidelines

    Why should venue owners consider accessible tourism? This website provides links to a range of resources that tourist venue owners can use to gain insight and develop their services for disabled and elderly tourists. The information was compiled as part of the EU funded 'Happy Tourist' project.

  • CARE project: Accessible Cities of European Regions

    The C.A.R.E. project (Città Accessibili delle Regioni Europee – Accessible Cities in the Regions of Europe) was based on the cross-national sharing of city development policies in which accessibility to everyone is key to quality, in order to make the geographical resources better suited to the requirements of all those users who have special needs. "Cities that will be able to fulfil the most exacting requirements will be more functional and friendlier to everyone".

  • A sea without barriers - sailing in Valencia

    Once completed the restoration and adaptation of the 12 meter long motor boat "Sirenita" by the foundation "A Sea Without Barriers", people with reduced mobility will have the chance to enjoy tourist sailing tours in Valencian harbour.

  • Parma : provincia per tutti

    The project of the province of Parma aimed at providing useful data about people with particular food, allergic, physical or age needs, or who have problems with mobility (temporary and permanent).

  • Tourism for All - Information kit

    Creation in Australia of an information kit on tourists with disabilities, covering topics such as accommodation, legislation and marketing from a tourism perspective.

ENAT Library Items

News Items

  • UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities gets 20th ratification

    On 3rd April 2008, Ecuador signed up as the twentieth country to ratify the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Tunisia and Jordan signed earlier the same week. This will bring the Convention automatically into force on 3rd May. This is a significant landmark for travel and tourism policy and provision, as the Convention includes the right of disabled people to equal participation in cultural activities, including recreation, leisure and sport (Article 30).

  • Bangkok Recommendations on Accessible Tourism in Asia and the Pacific (2007)

    A major milestone has been reached with the publication this week of the recommendations from the Second International Conference on Accessible Tourism held November 22 - 24, 2007 at the United Nations in Bangkok, Thailand. Sixteen recommendations directed towards governments, public agencies, tourism businesses and academia seek to promote the development of inclusive tourism in the region, targetting a wide range of measures for both specialised and mainstream services.

Results 301 to 312 out of 327.