New European Standard - EN 17210:2021 Accessibility and usability of the built environment - Functional requirements

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The standard is intended to describe basic, common minimum functional requirements and recommendations, applicable across the full spectrum of the built environment, for an accessible and usable built environment.

image of wheelchair user approaching building up a sloping brick path Photo CEN-CENELEC

This standard is intended to describe basic, common minimum functional requirements and recommendations, applicable across the full spectrum of the built environment, for an accessible and usable built environment, following the Design for All/Universal Design principles which will facilitate equitable and safe use for a wide range of users, including persons with disabilities.

The functional accessibility and usability requirements and recommendations described in this standard are relevant to the design, construction, refurbishment, adaptation, and maintenance of built environments including outdoor pedestrian and urban areas, following the Design for All/Universal Design principles which will facilitate equitable and safe use for a wide range of users, including persons with disabilities. The functional accessibility and usability requirements and recommendations described in this standard are relevant to the design, construction, refurbishment, adaptation, and maintenance of built environments including outdoor pedestrian and urban areas.

EN 17210:2021 was developed by an appointed Team of Experts through consensus, in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders: ANEC (European Association for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation), EDF (European Disability Forum), AGE platform Europe, the European Commission, ENAT (European Network for Accessible Tourism), SBS (Small Business Standards) and ETSA (European Textile Services Association). CEN-CLC/JTC 11 also worked closely with CEN/TC 10 ‘Lifts, escalators and moving walks’.

Related documents:

CEN/TR 17621:2021 covering technical performance criteria and specifications and CEN/TR 17622:2021 on conformity assessment related to the accessibility and usability of the built environment are also published.

The Standard and related Technical Reports are available for purchase through National Standards Bodies.