Questionnaire: Accessible Tourism in Spain

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The University of Vigo, Spain, is calling all Spanish-speaking disabled travellers to help in a study into the accessible tourism market in Spain.

The University of Vigo, Spain, is calling all Spanish-speaking disabled travellers to help in a study into the accessible tourism market in Spain.

The study, led by Trinidad Domínguez Vila of the University of Vigo with the support of the Commission for Innovation and Industry in Galicia, is entitled "Estudio de Mercado del Turismo Accesible en España: Oferta, Demanda y Oportunidad de Mercado" ("Market Study of the Accessible Tourism Market in Spain: Market Supply, Demand and Opportunity").

Anyone with a disability who travels or has travelled in the past is invited to participate in the study with an online questionnaire. You may follow this link to the questionnaire:
Link to the questionnaire

For a simple text version of the questionnaire, please use the following link:
link to the simple questionnaire.

Click 'Acceder' and enter the password 'accesible' to enter.

Note: When you have completed one page and want to move to the next, click 'Sigiuente Bloque'. If you have left questions unanswered, the site will give you the option to 'Aceptar' or 'Cancelar'. Click 'Aceptar' to answer the question or 'Cancelar' to leave the question unanswered and continue with the rest of the questionnaire. You may have to click 'Cancelar' several times.

For more information, contact Trinidad Domínguez Vila by calling +34 9 8836 8733 or emailing:
trinidad [at]