UNWTO Recommendations on accessibility for key players in management of natural resources

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UNWTO, Fundación ONCE and UNE have issued a set of guidelines based on ISO Standard 21902:2021 Tourism For All, targeting key players in management of natural resources, who wish to make their offerings more accessible.

The guidelines on accessibility for key players in the management of natural resources, was published by UNWTO and partners in October 2023.

These recommendations aim to guide the decision-makers of natural resources in tourism in undertaking accessibility improvements. The document has a particular focus on facilitating access to protected areas, beaches and parks.

The WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), acted as the expert reviewers. Their involvement was key in identifying the best actions geared towards a greater extent of accessibility and inclusiveness within nature areas, vis a vis tourism.

The guidance tool, whose drafting was led by UNWTO, the ONCE Foundation and UNE, is part of the promotion of ISO Standard 21902:2021.

Download English and Spanish versions of the Recommendations from the Downloads section.

Further information

For additional UNWTO ISO Guides on Accessibility in Acccommodation, Food and Beverage, MICE and Destinations, and Cultural Tourism, visit the Accessibility section of the UNWTO website