2010: A Europe Accessible For All. Report from expert group set up by European Commission (2003)

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The European Union named 2003 as the European Year of People with Disabilities. In this context, a Group of Experts was set up by Mrs. Anna Diamantopoulou, Member of the Commission in charge of Employment and Social Affairs, with the mandate to address accessibility within an increasingly diverse and ageing society, and to put forward concrete proposals.

The European Union named 2003 as the European Year of People with Disabilities. In this context, a Group of Experts was set up by Mrs. Anna Diamantopoulou, Member of the Commission in charge of Employment and Social Affairs, with the mandate to address accessibility within an increasingly diverse and ageing society, and to put forward concrete proposals.

The "red thread" of this report is that promoting accessibility for all will contribute to the success of the European strategy of "economic and social renewal" launched three years ago at the Lisbon European Council. The European Union committed itself to modernising and reinforcing social cohesion and social protection as a key to deliver more and better growth by 2010. And to make Europe a better place to live.

It is thus a unique opportunity to address disability issues as key elements of the "Lisbon strategy" which is based on four strategic goals: raising competitiveness, achieving full employment, strengthening social cohesion and promoting sustainable development.

Download the report from the right-hand panel in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Greek.  

Expert Group

Chairperson: Domenico Lenarduzzi
Deputy Chairperson: Mitzi Bollani

Expert members:

Ivor Ambrose
Cleon Angelo
Mieke Broeders
Mike Freshney
Sarah Langton-Lockton
Dr. Peter Neumann
Ulrich Paetzold
Finn Petren
Luc Rivet
Christina Rodriguez-Porrero
Fionnuala Rogerson
Bas Treffers
C.J. Walsh

Rapporteur: Marc Berthiaume European Commission official (DG Employment and Social Affairs)

European Commission Disclaimer: This report has been prepared by the Group of Experts set up by the European Commission. It is not a document of the European Commission. The contents of the publication do not necessarily reflect the opinon or position of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment Social Affairs.