Analysis of the needs in the field of Tourism for All.

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Results of the Focus Group and of the Panel of young people of the european project EU.FOR.ME.

The main objective of the european project EU.FOR.ME is the realisation of a training course for “Trainers Specialised in the Topics of Accessible Tourism” who will use the competencies acquired during the course to develop and deliver training modules on “tourism for all” in the teaching activities on tourism conducted by public and private institutions.

Before going into the analysis of the results from the Focus Groups, and into outlining the action plan that will translate the expectations expressed by the Panel of young people with disabilities into initiatives to define the training requirements and the ‘training of the trainer’ model, the document briefly introduce the concepts relative to ‘Tourism for All’, its evolution from concept to actual initiative, and the quantitative description of the size of the target group of tourists with disabilities, both at national and European levels.

Number of pages : 36.