Universal Design for Customer Engagement in Tourism Services by National Standards Authority of Ireland

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The Irish Standard I.S. 373:2013 is available as a free PDF downloadable document in English.

The Irish Standard I.S. 373:2013 Universal Design for Customer Engagement in Tourism Services was originally available as a free PDF downloadable document in English.

We may not copy the document or offer it for downloading here.

Ordering instructions

Order via the SAI Global Website website: https://shop.standards.ie/en-ie/Standards/I-S-373-2013-1631056/

Reference: Standard number I.S. 373:2013 and / or the title Universal Design for Customer Engagement in Tourism Services

Further Information


1 Swift Square, Northwood, Santry Dublin 9, Ireland

T +353 1 807 3800
F +353 1 807 3838


T +353 1 857 6730
F +353 1 857 6729

Web:  www.standards.ie

The National Disability Authority of Ireland - Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) has made a set of Toolkits to help service providers design their tourism communications, making them accessible for all customers. 

To obtain copies of the Toolkits, which are also free of charge, visit: http://www.universaldesign.ie/tourism


This page was last updated on 25 August 2018.