Viaggiare Senza Limiti - Travel Without Limits

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This book of readings by Italian and international authors was prepared in 2010 by the Italian Institute of Tourism for All in order to provide an overview of historical developments, current trends and perspectives on the future of accessible tourism. The text is in Italian and English.

accessible tourism image of wheelchair user in natural landscape by CPD, ItalyThis book of readings by Italian and international authors was prepared in 2010 by the Italian Institute of Tourism for All in order to provide an overview of historical developments, current trends and perspectives on the future of accessible tourism.

The text is in Italian and English.

The book has been produced with the assistance of Fondazione CRT and is distributed free of charge.

Download the PDF version, (14 Mb) from the following link:


(Page numbers below refer to the English language section)

Part I - Theory and Practice of Accessible Tourism (231)

232 Accessible tourism as revealed through studies and practices in Europe
by Lilian Müller

241 ‘Tourism for all with all: methods of approach to the problem and examples of good practice
by Giovanni Ferrero

246 Transparent accessibility, accessible design, legislation
by Eugenia Monzeglio

253 The certification of the quality of tourism in Italy - Experience in dealing with the accommodation system responsive and possible solutions
by Giovanni Antonio Cocco

259 Welcoming tourists with special needs: a way forward for modern and conscious operators
by Nadia Bravo

266 The Turismabile Project of the Piemonte Region
by Paolo Osiride Ferrero

271 The results of a complex project on accessibility to the sea: statistics, economic impact, best practices and customer satisfaction
by Gianfranco Vitali and Roberto Vitali

274 Tourism for all? The Venice case
by Lucia Baracco

282 Accessible tourism in mountain areas: tourism for all in a hostile environment
by Maria Cosentino

290 The ideal winter resort: professionalism and organisational skills in the service of tourism
by Gianfranco Martin

296 Incoming and outgoing for clients with special needs: from a tour operator’s point of view
by Anja Lenz and Sonja Hoeglinger

303 The State Tactile Museum in Ancona and best practices for access to Art and Culture for people with visual disabilities
by Aldo Grassini

Part 2 Tourists with Special Needs
312 A holiday for all from the perspective of a tourist with disabilities
by Johann Norbert Kreiter

316 Tourism for all and people with intellectual disabilities from the families' point of view
by Daniela Masala

322 Tourism for all and people with visual impairement
by Rocco Rolli

332 The access to tourism for deaf people. Requirements and good practice.
by Ida Collu

337 Accessibility for persons with motor disability requirements an myths
by Claudio Puppo

346 Tourism for senior citizens: needs and good practice
by Massimiliano Monti

Part 3 Marketing and Tourism for All

354 Tools and Methods for Improving the Competitiveness of Small Tourism Enterprises in Europe
by Ivor Ambrose

368 Accessibility for all as improvement in quality of tourist offer. General issues
by Alberto Manzo

374 Is Italy an accessible destination? The opinion of foreign tour operators, suggestions to increase the flows
according to data from the TTG ITALY Observatory
by Paola Tournour-Viron

379 “Integration strategies for promoting tourism system - analysis of results”
by Danilo Bessone

386 Travel without limits: Accessible Tourism for All in Germany
by Peter Neumann & Kai Pagenkopf

395 Tourism for all as tourist business
by Alessandro Zanon and Valentina Toffoletto

400 Outdoor tourism and special needs A customers survey in the world of Plein air and some points of reflection
by Roberto Vitali

Part 4 The Commitment of Institutions

414 Tourism for all and the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities - Legislative foundation of tourism for all
by Pietro Vittorio Barbieri

418 The Calypso Project: Strategy, purposes and indications for road map on tourism for all
by Alan Vella and Tina Gallucci

426 Tourism for All Promotion: The Case of the Piemonte Region
by Paola Casagrande e Marzia Baracchino

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