European Disability Forum Proposes Disability Specific EU Directive

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EDF - the European Disability Forum has renewed its call to lawmakers to establish a European Directive to promote equal treatment and fight discrimination against disabled people in all areas of life.

EDF argues: "...Disabled people should have the opportunity to participate in all areas of life. Whether it is employment, the provision of goods and services, transport,
education, the rental of accommodation or telecommunications, disabled people have a right to access that needs to be recognised in the legislation.
The starting point for any legislation has to be that it does not make sense to outlaw discrimination in one area whilst allowing it in another. A disabled
person may find it easier to get a job because of non-discrimination legislation in that area. That will be of little use if he or she is unable to get to work
because of a lack of accessible transport. Hence, the objective should be for non-discrimination legislation to be as comprehensive as possible".

Read the full text of EDF's proposal.