Our organisation would like to join ENAT. What are the requirements for being a member?

[This answer was updated on 1st January 2010, reflecting the Membership requirements of ENAT as a non-profit association].

Membership of ENAT is open to any legally constituted organisation. Individuals may also join. Members must support the aims and objectives of the network, as expressed in the Statutes.
As a network, ENAT brings together a diverse range of organisations and people: some are experienced in providing accessible tourism infrastructure, information or services, while others join to learn and do more. The common denominator is a willingness to promote accessibility in tourism, to share experiences and learn from each other. 
New members must first register their profile at the Registration page. 
All members enter the association as "ordinary" members (Associate Member).
Full Members are admitted only after a written application to the ENAT Board. Only Full Members have voting rights and they are expected to attend the Annual General Assembly.

See the Categories and Fees page for details of types of membership and the respective membership fees.