SAVE THE DATE. "Mind the - Accessibility - Gap". EU Stakeholder Conference on Accessible Tourism

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SAVE THE DATE: 6 June 2014, Brussels, Belgium. The European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, is organising a conference for tourism stakeholders where the results of three specially commissioned studies on Tourism Accessibility in Europe will be presented and discussed by a distinguished panel of tourism practitioners and stakeholders.

Date 6 June 2014SAVE THE DATE: 6 June 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

The European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, is organising a conference for tourism stakeholders where the results of three specially commissioned studies on Tourism Accessibility in Europe will be presented and discussed by a distinguished panel of tourism practitioners and stakeholders.

Location: Building Charlemagne Building, Rue de la loi 170 - 1000 Brussels

The aim of the conference is to have an open debate about the evidence and seek ways to bridge the many accessibility gaps that have been identified, by drawing on proven good practices from around Europe and establishing concrete actions, using the support mechanisms which the European Commission has at its disposal.

The three studies have made a ‘360 degree’ review of accessible tourism in Europe, looking at the economic opportunities and factors which influence the demand, the quality and extent of supply and the need for training and skills improvement in the tourism sector.

It is clear that tourists who need good access, for example seniors, people with disabilities and families with small children, are not gaining sufficient attention from mainstream suppliers. This is already a cause of lost business as tourists are restricted in the choice of destinations that are accessible to them.

As demographic ageing takes hold, more travellers will be older and in need of good access conditions. Across Europe, the tourism industry needs to seize the opportunity to close the gap between demand and supply through improved quality, accessibility, better information and targeted marketing to this growing sector.       

Within the framework of the Commission’s “Preparatory Action on Accessible Tourism, 2012 – 2014”, which was requested by the European Parliament, recommendations will be presented for possible Commission's actions, designed to tackle the current accessibility gaps in supply and skills and to chart a course towards achieving Tourism for All in Europe within as short a time-frame as possible.

Participants: The conference will be open to all tourism actors and stakeholders but travel and accommodation costs must be borne by the participants themselves.

Further information, including the Draft Programme and registration details will be posted on the ENAT website and on the European Commission website in due course.

Links to ENAT pages with information about the 3 studies: