MIT! - Make It Accessible

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Make it accessible! A project to promote barrier-free travelling for senior citizens and people with handicaps through innovative marketing strategies based on awareness of specific requirements, needs and active interest in social inclusion.

logo MIT projectMake it accessible! A project to promote barrier-free travelling for senior citizens and people with handicaps through innovative marketing strategies based on awareness of specific requirements, needs and active interest in social inclusion.


Mainly dominated by SMEs, the tourism sector is very important to the European economy and barrier-free traveling is an important topic of the European tourism policy. In the EU, about 37 million people are disabled and represent a large and growing market.

Enhancing accessibility is also about the ageing population. Altogether, around 120 million disabled and senior citizens in Europe would welcome improved access.


It is crucial for SMEs and micro-enterprises in the tourism sector to actively face this change by developing new products and services which meet the growing demand, to develop defined profiles, and to communicate at the European level in order to design the dialogue with their respective target groups, effectively.

MIT! is based on an innovative marketing approach targeting at increasing the performance and competitiveness of tourism enterprises by improving SMEs performance and human potential.

In this way MIT! will contribute to improve access for senior citizens and people with handicaps as well as for their family members, to tourism and lifelong learning, and improve their mobility and quality of life.


Project MIT!  504655-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-LEONARDO-LMP
Duration: 01-10-2009 to 30-09-2011


Coordinator: TELEHAUS WETTER / VeFAR e.V.
Schulstraße 76, 35083 Wetter, Germany,
Dr. Imke Troltenier, T. +49 (0) 6421 360 21-0, troltenier[at]

Humanpolis Rokua - Centre of Expertise, Oulu, Finland,
NTA - National Tourist Association, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
IPT - Instytut Postepowania Tworczego, Lodz, Poland,
Allweb Solutions S.A., Chalkida, Greece,

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