tactall: a European Initiative to Improve Skills in the Accessibility Market

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The project aims to create new learning packages for on-line delivery, promote ’The Accessible City’ concept and improve the skills, knowledge and awareness of companies and employees associated with the tourism sector.

tactall project logoThe project aims to create new learning packages for on-line delivery, promote ’The Accessible City’ concept and improve the skills, knowledge and awareness of companies and employees associated with the tourism sector.

Co-funded by the EU Leonardo Programme, this "transfer of innovation" project builds on the methods and experience of a previous Leonardo project, ERTD “European RuralTourism” www.ertd.info.


  • Transfer experience in tackling ‘accessibility’ issues to promote Tourism for all
  • Develop new training course based on methodology of ERTD project www.ertd.info
  • Pilot/evaluate new learning modules/content
  • Seek to integrate in national VET frameworks
  • Disseminate outcomes to stakeholders
  • Investigate potential to establish Accessible City network in Europe

Target Groups

  • People who work within the Tourism and Hospitality sector (or any other service sector)
  • Teachers and new learners in the Tourism and Hospitality sector (or other service sector)
  • Staff in political and social institutions and organisations who make decisions and policy regarding tourism, particularly in relation to accessibility for the disabled, older people, carers.

Primary Project Outcomes

  • Identification of training needs through analysis of target groups in partner countries.
  • Adaptation of ERTD course structures (www.ertd.info), processes and procedures to new modular training package.
  • Creation of new learning and e-learning content.
  • Piloting, trialling and evaluating of the “Accessible City” training package.
  • Creation of the Accessible City project website/web portal which will facilitate discussion forums and communication.
  • Investigation of the potential for integration within national curricula and/or qualification frameworks.
  • Dissemination and exploitation of project results.
  • Development of the Accessible City Network.

Skills Objectives

  • Understand the meaning of functional diversity
  • Know where to find (relevant) information, resources and possibilities
  • Analyse and understand social, cultural and economic reasons for accessibility for all
  • Acquire the ability to interact with different groups with functional diversities
  • Understand the needs the of functionally diverse people and the services available to them
  • Learn how to improve the services and state any changes the business needs to make (ACTION plan)
  • Understand the policy and legislation of your own country/region with regard to accessibility
  • Understand how to communicate with members of staff (and others) to make them aware of need to make services accessible to all
  • CaseStudies

Further information
